Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Job Creation - 15 Reasons The Obama Job Creation Plan May Actually Increase the Jobless Rate

Yep, I said it. And here are the reasons why Obama is going to have a difficult time creating jobs even with his new robust jobs creation plan proposed today.

The plans to “spend our way out” of the problem did not work the first time nor any other time for that matter. Money spent on entitlement programs isn’t likely to create net jobs

There are still funds available in the Stimulus for infrastructure projects. All we’re doing is adding another $70 Billion to these unspent funds.

Tax incentives to homeowners for investing in energy saving improvements will benefit consumers that have money to spend on those improvements. The unemployed auto worker in Detroit will not benefit from some granola eating hippie in Boulder, CO who puts a solar panel on the roof.

The only tax cuts that are effective in jobs creation plans are those targeted at businesses who hire.

Increasing spending until you get the result you want is similar to “doubling down” and is just as risky in D.C. as it is on Wall Street or in Vegas.

Obama is borrowing sound economic advice from Mitt Romney but mixing it with his own plans to spend, spend, spend on Government expansion. When it doesn’t work, he can blame republicans this time.

If it does work, he’ll take credit for the increase in net job creation as a result of the spending. It will be difficult to prove which part of the plan was successful although, we’ll all know it was a direct result if reducing taxes on small businesses.

Letting the Bush tax cuts on businesses expire and reducing taxes on capital expenditures is a zero sum game. All he’s doing is shifting revenue by eliminating one tax while implementing another.

If you’re going to take Romney’s economic advice, you’d better take it all, rather than pick and choose. Obama needs to implement Romney’s tax cut suggestions as a whole, by extending the Bush tax cuts on businesses as well.

It’s been proven time and time again that increased taxes result in lower federal tax revenues.

Democrats’ plans to pay for everything with tax increases has not worked in the past and is partly to blame for the mess we’re in now. U.S. businesses already have the some of the highest business taxes in the Global economy.

Americans’ are getting tired of the seemingly endless new tax proposals. It seems as though every day there is a new Democratic tax proposal, whether it’s on junk food, cigarettes, gas, investment trading, marijuana, tanning salons, etc. “Tax and Spend” policies do not and have not ever worked.

Obama plans to use money left over from a successful TARP program which funds were supposed to be used to pay down our debt. Instead he is proposing we spend those funds as well.

Obama has never actually been an employer or even worked for an employer. He has no knowledge or experience of jobs creation. Hell, he probably couldn’t even conduct a job interview himself. Just look at some of the people he’s hired: Van Jones, Kevin Jennings, etc.

Obama has a history of misrepresenting support for his programs. Remember the CEO of Caterpillar who had to correct Obama by saying “the reality is that we’ll have to lay off more workers before we’re able to begin hiring again…” People are starting to lose faith and trust in his words. We’re ready to see some action.
I’m sure there are other reasons why Obama will have an increasingly difficult time improving jobs. I, for one, do not trust what he says as he has not upheld many of his promises to American’s during his infamous campaign.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Face of Healthcare Reform - Michael Scott - Huh?!

What?!  I can't be serious, right?  Well I am.  Recently I found a website featuring quotes from NBC's The Office starring Steve Carrell.  This is probably my favorite comedy tv show of all time.  Although, Modern Family is now becoming a close competitor.  Anyway...here is a quote that I find may resemble the true feelings of many Democratic leaders. 

You see, I believe elected Democrats truly believe in their cause to reform healthcare, but I think they might be a little out of touch with the majority of Americans on their process of doing it.  So read this quote and imagine, for a second, that it came from Nancy Pelosi, and not Michael Scott.  Kind of like what Liberals still do with Sarah Palin and Tina Fey.  People are still quoting Sarah Palin as saying "I can see Russia from my house..." and they didn't even know that Tina Fey said that!  So do the same thing here...

"The most sacred thing I do is care. And provide for my workers, my family. I give them money. I give them food. Not directly, but through the money. I heal them. Today I am in charge of picking a great new healthcare plan. Right, that’s what this is all about. Does that make me their doctor? Um… yes. In a way. Yeah, like a specialist."  -- Michael Scott

Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama, Net Neutrality Definition, and The FCC...WTF?!

Definition of Net Neutrality

The first thing to understand is that the vote which occurred this week was simply a vote to begin talks on net neutrality. So the debate begins.

Republicans haven’t really formed any type of opinion on this matter. Some have introduced a competing bill, like McCain’s proposed legislation that would prevent the FCC from regulating traffic on the internet. Democrats, largely, are all for it the new laws. I’ll opine on this in a moment. First, what is net neutrality?

Currently your ISP, internet service provider (like Comcast, Wild Blue, NetZero, etc) regulates the amount of bandwidth (juice) is able to flow through your internet connection. The amount bandwidth is what determines your ability to consume online content such as stream video from YouTube or Hulu or even speak on the “phone” over a VoIP connection such as Vonage or the Magic Jack. The FCC does not get involved right now in regulating how much juice is able to flow through the pipes.

Internet information that flows through your connection is segmented into what are called packets. These packets all have different identifiers that tell the ISP what kind of traffic they are. This allows companies like AT&T to slow down traffic (or packets) flowing through your internet connection so they can allocate more bandwidth (horsepower) to their own VoIP service which makes AT&T’s service more reliable than it’s competitors’ services being accessed through the same ISP. So, if I have Vonage, but get internet through AT&T, I may not get as reliable service if I had just subscribed to AT&T’s VoIP service. So already you can see the anti-competitive implications developing.

But, on the other hand say I’m a Comcast customer and I’m downloading huge HD movies from a peer to peer network like The Pirate Bay or some other torrent site. Currently Comcast has the ability to slow me down to the point that it’s not worth the wait to download Tilight New Moon since it’s going to take me 2 weeks to do it! So there are arguments both ways. But the bottom line is that the FCC Net Neutrality laws will seek to take that power away from the ISP’s and say “nope, you gotta open up the flood gates and let the internet juices flow!” No more discrimination based on traffic types!

Obama has stated his support in the FCC Net Neutrality laws. Some Republicans have said it is the Fairness Doctrine applied to the internet. So what do you need to know about it? What will it mean to you?
If Net Neutrality is passed eventually you will soon be able to download big files on the internet without limitations imposed currently by the ISP’s. The road will be paved to allow HD video streaming from the internet. YouTube videos could be hosted in full 1080P HD. Services like Vonage and Magic Jack will become more popular as the call quality will increase drastically. Illegal internet activity will spike because the ISP’s will not have the ability to block it. Comcast once tried to slow down peer to peer downloading traffic (notorious for illegal copy write infringement). They abandoned that activity for fear of falling under scrutiny of future net neutrality laws. Costs for internet service will likely increase as well because there will be an added cost to ISP’s in pure infrastructure. They will need to beef up their systems to allow full throttle internet access across the board to all subscribers.

Also this summer, Google announced its plans to develop a micro-payment system for internet consumption. There is a group of people and companies which includes Google to push for transitioning internet service from a subscription base to a utility based service. Basically every household connecting to the internet would be connected at the full speed available and they would receive a monthly bill based on usage. This way the people consuming bandwidth would pay for their share. This would put an end to the cable internet providers promotion of low monthly fees for 6 months after which they “jack the price up.”

The WTF Report believes that we are now living in an environment where open internet access to all is vital to stimulate competition among the big companies. My current position is in support of the FCC Net Neutrality laws which Obama also supports. Although it would eventually create a headache for the company I work for. As a satellite tv provider, my employer would be faced with the transition of tv entertainment from the airwaves to the internet. Newspaper organizations will be able to actually transition their news from print to online versions and still receive payment based on consumption. Barring some hidden agenda or loopholes to nationalize media sources, I don’t see any reason for Republicans to oppose this type of legislation.

So….to John McCain we say…WTF?!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

And....It's Official - HOAX!

But seriously, did anyone really believe that this nut was telling the truth?! My wife and I immediately knew it was a hoax when we heard who the family was. We watched that episode of Wife Swap they were on and knew there was something wrong with those people. But here's how I knew immediately that it was all a hoax:

1. They video taped the younger boy getting in the balloon, tape cuts out...then shows the balloon taking off.

2. The first call for help was made to the local 9News! The guy called the "media" to tell them his 6 year old boy was being carried away in an experimental weather balloon.

I hope they are prosecuted and reimburse the costs incurred. The farm field where the balloon came down was even damaged by all the rescue vehicles. There was extensive crop damage. They need to pay for that too.

On a related note, on the way to church today we saw a hot air balloon coming down in the trees at Chatfield state park. You could tell it was not intended, because there were people running across the field from where it launched over to the trees! I don't think anyone was hurt though, although, maybe some cuts and scrapes??

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Healthcare Campaign Losing Steam

Recently Obama appeared on several Sunday morning talk shows in an effort to push healthcare reform.  It's been a few weeks now and I'm curious to see if it has had any effect on the interest of Americans.  So I turned to Google to gather some aggregated internet search data.  It's fairly effective to utilize Google data in determining public interest.  Below is a chart based on Google search data regarding four of the top issues facing Americans today.  This was eye opening to me.  I'll explain...but first, the chart: Right Click the frame to open in a new window or tab. For some reason Blogger is not showing the whole frame.

The results I found were nothing short of surprising. I would expect there to be a relatively higher amount of traffic around healthcare related searches. But over the last 30 days (since Obama's re-dedication to healthcare reform) public interest has been on a steady decline. In fact, the aggregated data indicate that there is more public interest surrounding the issues relating to Iran than there is interest in healthcare issues.

There are some disclaimers that need to be made. For example, this research doesn't differentiate between negative and positive searches. It only aggregates all searches around the term healthcare. I was able to filter the data to include only those searches relating to news and current events. This filters out searches around terms like "healthcare insurance" or "capital of Iran." However, this isn't all too important because I'm only trying to gauge public awareness of issues. Google search data is the best gauge because the majority of Americans now get news and information from the internet and conduct research through Google.

What do you think? Is this surprising?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mmm....Mmmm...Mmmm...George W. Bush....Mmmm...Mmmm....Mmmm....

mmm, mmm, mmm....George W. Bush...mmm, mmm, mmm!  He said that we must all pitch in so the terrorist just cannot win...mmm, mmm, mmm.  George W. Bush.  He said we all should be brave don't fear the lame,  get back on the plane...mmm, mmm, mmm.  George W. Bush.

HA!!  If I had seen recordings of school children singing this tribute I would have been upset.  If you're a liberal and these words offend you and you profess NOT to be a hypocrite, then you must be upset that liberal school teachers are attempting to indoctrinate our children. 

Don't get me wrong, respect for the OFFICE of the President should be taught in schools.  But political opinion has no room in our classrooms.  I find it interesting that when the sitting president was a republican schools across the country were teaching that students should be skeptical of government.  Now that it's a democrat we're teaching that we should respect, honor, and support the government.  If my history lessons from HS serve me correctly, this country was founded by men who were pretty skeptical and critical of government.  WTF?! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is Acorn Guilty of Racism?

With the entire political world throwing around the racist term so loosely lately, I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon. ACORN could be considered a racist organization based on its actions toward employees. In light of the outrageous undercover video that has been obtained outlining a pattern of behavior in assisting clients in setting up tax havens, child sex operations, and other illegal behavior ACORN has fired 3 of its black employees and has provided no defense for the black perpetrators.

However, yesterday a fourth ACORN office was busted! This time clear across the country in San Bernardino, CA and the ACORN rep was not a black lady. She was white. I was curious to see how ACORN would handle this one, so you can imagine my surprise when they immediately jumped to her defense by allowing her to say, in essence “oh, I knew it was a joke, so I was playing along with it.” So ACORN officials have jumped on that train too by agreeing that the actors/filmmakers were bad actors and not believable therefore it should be okay for their employee to play along as though it were all a game.

Then there’s the other issue of race being that the girls said to be imported were from El Salvador. I wonder if the ACORN employees guilty of this craziness would have stopped dead in their tracks had the pimp and prostitute claimed to be importing young African children!

If Maureen Dowd can come out and cry “racism” based on very loosely circumstantial evidence against Joe Wilson, can’t we also say that ACORN was racist by applying a different judgment to its white employee than to its black employees? Why was the white lady not fired as quickly as the white folks?


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Stimulus Money...Where's the Jobs?!

I commute to work every day along C470 on the south side of Denver, CO and see these signs posted everywhere about how "this project is paid for" by stimulus money.  But you know what?  There isn't a worker in sight!  They did work on the road for two weekends, and messed it up.  It's now worse than it was in the past.  When I drive over these sections I feel like the front end of my car is going to fall off! 

So my WTF moment today is, where are the jobs that were supposed to be provided by stimulus funds?  I see the "thank you" signs, but no workers. 

Monday, August 31, 2009

"They're Shuttin' Detroit Down...." And Sendin' the Money to CHINA!

From Reuters:

"Vehicles made at the venture will carry the FAW brand and will focus on supplying the China market, but they could be exported under a GM brand through the Detroit automaker's global network in the future, Wale said."
That's right, you read it correctly.  Government Motors (G.M.) has announced a plan to invest $293 Million into foreign manufacturing of light duty commercial trucks similar to other 1/2 ton and lighter trucks already being produced by GMC and Chevrolet.  So you don't need to look too far into this to see the possible unintended consequences.  Here's our WTF take on this:

1.  US Taxpayers loan GM a boatload of dollars to save them from Bankruptcy
2.  GM lays off thousands of US workers as they cut production in US facilities
3.  GM sends $293 Million to China workers to produce light duty trucks for the Chinese market

Well, the problem is that GM has hinted at the possibility and most likely their intentions of exporting the trucks under the GM brand into the U.S.  The end result would be outsourced auto manufacturing jobs to China!  WTF?!